Adequate Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अनुरूप
  2. काफी
  3. समुचित
  4. तुल्य
  5. पर्याप्त
  6. बराबर
  7. यथोचित
  8. यथेष्ट
  9. योग्य
  10. पयाणतत

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of adequate

  1. Competent, Good, Minimal, Pretty Good, Enough, Up To Snuff, Comfortable, Sufficient, Plenty Good Enough, Equal To, Not Amiss, Unexceptionable, Ok, Respectable, Proper, Presentable, Unobjectionable, Substantial, Satisfactory (vs Unsatisfactory), Middling, Tidy, Suitable, Fairish, Not Bad, Tolerable, Productive, Fair, Commensurate, Due, Unimpeachable, Passable, Proportionable, Efficient, Up To, Dece