Alternative Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. विकल्प
  2. एवज़ी
  3. दो में से कोई पसंद करना
  4. पक्षान्तर
  5. प्रत्याम्नाय
  6. दो में से कोई एक
  7. अनुकल्पी
  8. आनुकल्पिक
  9. एवजी
  10. वैकल्पिक

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of alternative

  1. Way Out, Mutually Exclusive, Substitution, Ghost, Elective, Deputy, Metonymy, Voluntary, Exchange, Option, Copy, Alternate, Secondary (vs Primary), Disjunctive, Synecdoche, Alternate Choice, Changeling, Contingency, Reserve, Dummy, Next Best Thing, Second String, Different, Ghostwriter, Fill-in, Choice, Vice-president, Secondary, Makeshift, Variant, Unconventional (vs Conventional) (vs Conventiona