Any Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अब और
  2. किसी भी
  3. कोई
  4. कोई भी
  5. मामूली
  6. थोड़ा
  7. कुछ
  8. किञ्चित
  9. किसी भी स्थिति में
  10. तनिक
  11. एक
  12. प्रत्येक
  13. कोई चीज
  14. जो भी
  15. किसी को

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of any

  1. Monistic, Single, Individual, One And All, Lone, Every, Integral, Quantified, Anybody, Something, Quantitive, Sole, Quantized, Measured, Unitary, Each And All, Every One, Solid, Whole, Any(prenominal), Each, Some, All And Some, Unique, Immoderate (vs Moderate), Exclusive, Simple, One, Atomic, A Certain, Any One, Each And Every, Quantitative, Each One, All, Solitary, Irreducible, Monadic, Uniform,