Ask Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अनुमति माँगना
  2. अपेक्षा करना
  3. पूछना
  4. माँगना
  5. मांगना
  6. आवश्यकता होना
  7. चाहना
  8. निमंत्रण देना
  9. निवेदन करना
  10. प्रश्न करना
  11. प्रार्थना करना
  12. बुलाना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of ask

  1. Need, Beg Leave, Examine, Implore, Articulate, Involve, Deliberate, Impose, Expect, Propose A Question, Ask Over, Ask Out, Communicate, Cry For, Bring Into Question, Put In For, Issue An Invitation, Inquire, Inquire Of, Have Occasion For, Entreat, Make Application, Put In Requisition, Issue An Ultimatum, Make Dutiable, Ask Questions, Tax, Discuss, Beseech, Ask In, Review, Ask About, Blackmail, Que