Awake Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. जागे हुए
  2. जागरूक
  3. जगाना
  4. जगा हुआ
  5. उठना
  6. चौकस होना
  7. जागना
  8. जागरूक करना
  9. सचेत करना
  10. सचेत रहना
  11. जाग्रत
  12. जागरित
  13. सतर्क
  14. सावधान

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of awake

  1. Come To, Understand, Animate, Knowing, Bright, Wake Up, Madden, Nimble, On The Job, Excite, Apprehensive, Blow Up, Clear-sighted, Ready, Activate, Set Astir, Rouse, Stir The Embers, Up And About, Watchful, On The Alert, Agile, Sleepless, Blow The Coals, Move, Unnodding, Awaken, Attentive, Alert, Qui Vive, See The Light, Come Into Existence, Sensible, Knock Up, Vigilant, Return To Life, Conscious,