Awkward Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. भौंडा
  2. अनुपयुक्त
  3. ख़राब
  4. तकलीफ़देह
  5. भद्दा
  6. बेढ़गा
  7. अनाडी
  8. अनाड़ी
  9. क्लेशकर
  10. चि���्ताजनक
  11. चिन्ताजनक
  12. नाजुक
  13. बेडौल
  14. बेढंगा

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of awkward

  1. Butterfingered, Graceless, Hulking, Risky, Ungraceful, Ponderous, Unfortunate, Uneasy, Touchy, Splay, Fumbling, Empty, Elephantine, Perilous, Ill At Ease, Crushing, Blankminded, Pompous, Rigid, Unripe, Unilluminated, Sloppy, Vacuous, Unhandy, Latinate, Loutish, Ungainly, Bombastic, Inconvenient, Halting, Nescient, Lumpish, Bumbling, Uncomfortable, Simple, Empty-headed, Unconversant, Difficult, Une