Become Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. शोभा देना
  2. उचित होना
  3. संभवन
  4. ठीक होना
  5. बन जाना
  6. जंचना
  7. ठीक लगना
  8. ठीक बैठना
  9. फबना
  10. बनना
  11. हो जाना
  12. होना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of become

  1. Arise, Pass Into, Change, Resolve Into, Open Into, Originate, Break Out, Go With, Come Round To, Agree With, Bring To, Turn, Fall Into, Behoove, Get, Crop Up, Naturalize, Metamorphose, Ripen Into, Render, Grace, Change Over, Come Forth, Be Converted Into, Assimilate To, Spring Up, Reduce To, Embellish, Prettify, Soar, Make, Go, Be Bound, Change State, Reconvert, Irrupt, Beautify, Lapse Into, Issue