Cheerful Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. आनंदित
  2. आनन्दित
  3. आरामदायक
  4. उल्लसित
  5. उल्लासित
  6. आनंददायक
  7. प्रफुल्ल
  8. सुंदर
  9. सहर्ष
  10. प्रसन्न
  11. खुश
  12. चमकीला
  13. मग्न
  14. सुखद
  15. हर्ष
  16. ताज़गी देनेवाला
  17. हँसमुख

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of cheerful

  1. Blessed, Cozy, Bright, Exhilarated, Nice, Utopian, Encouraging, Beatific, In High Spirits, Intimate, Pleasant, Upbeat, Cordial, Chirk, Chirrupy, Enlivening, Harmonious, Rosy, Eupeptic, Cheerful (vs Cheerless), Fair And Pleasant, Glad, In Good Spirits, Rose-colored, Homish, Singing, Blissful, Flushed, Light-hearted, Likable, Enjoyable, Millennialistic, Gleeful, Fair, Exalted, Gay, Leaping, Jolly, L