Clever Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. गुणी
  2. चतुर
  3. चालाक
  4. निपुण
  5. प्रवीण
  6. बुद्धिमान
  7. योग्य
  8. विचक्षण
  9. सयाना
  10. बुद्विमान

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of clever

  1. Intelligent, Serpentine, Malleable, Plastic, Arch, Bright, Well-designed, Nimble, Ready, Tactful, Insidious, Ingenious, Slippery, Deep, No Dumbbell, Sneaky, Creative, Artful (vs Artless), Well-reasoned, Entertaining, Well-considered, Joky, Brilliant, Masterful, Well-done, Attic, Shrewd, Trickish, Sage, Smooth, The Complete, Witty, Excellent, Teachable, Sagacious, Proficient, No Mean, Cagy, Slick,