- सचेतन
- जानबूझ कर किया गया
- अभिज्ञ
- जाग्रत
- श्रमिज्ञ
- सचेत
- सतर्क
- साभिप्राय
- चेतन
- जागरूक
Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of conscious
- Intended (vs Unintended), Intelligent, Shamefast, Animate, Knowing, On The Job, Mindful, Viable, Perceptive, Nice, Deliberate, Sensile, Apprehensive, Calculated, Alive To, Conscious (vs Unconscious), Watchful, Self-self-aware, Vivified, Voluntary, Advertent, Prehensile, Among The Living, All Eyes, Noticing, Attentive, Deliberated, Alert, Concentrated, Insightful, Finicking, Sensible, Meticulous, V