Conscious Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. सचेतन
  2. जानबूझ कर किया गया
  3. अभिज्ञ
  4. जाग्रत
  5. श्रमिज्ञ
  6. सचेत
  7. सतर्क
  8. साभिप्राय
  9. चेतन
  10. जागरूक

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of conscious

  1. Intended (vs Unintended), Intelligent, Shamefast, Animate, Knowing, On The Job, Mindful, Viable, Perceptive, Nice, Deliberate, Sensile, Apprehensive, Calculated, Alive To, Conscious (vs Unconscious), Watchful, Self-self-aware, Vivified, Voluntary, Advertent, Prehensile, Among The Living, All Eyes, Noticing, Attentive, Deliberated, Alert, Concentrated, Insightful, Finicking, Sensible, Meticulous, V