Cumbersome Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. जटिल
  2. दुखदायक
  3. भारी
  4. कपटकर
  5. भारी-भरकम
  6. गरु
  7. बोझीला
  8. दुष्कर
  9. भाररुप

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of cumbersome

  1. Hampering, Butterfingered, Graceless, Wearisome, Gawky, Hulking, Ungraceful, Ham-handed, Ponderous, Burdensome, Unmanageable, Uncouth, Fumbling, Elephantine, Lumpy, Inapt, Encumbering, Unwieldy (vs Wieldy), Impeditive, Awkward, All Thumbs, Cumbrous, Lubberly, Oppressive, Sloppy, Irksome, Unhandy, Loutish, Blundering, Ungainly, Left-hand, Stiff, Clumsy, Inconvenient, Lumpish, Fingers All Thumbs, Im