Curiosity Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. जिज्ञासा
  2. कुतूहल
  3. कौतुहल
  4. जानने की अभिलाषा
  5. उत्सुकता
  6. अनोखी वस्तु
  7. अपूर्व वस्तु
  8. असामान्य

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of curiosity

  1. Need, Bric-a-brac, Physical Object, Fancy, Lust For Learning, Wish, Freak, Concern, Amazement, Exception, Museum Piece, Thirst For Knowledge, Strange Thing, Spectacle, Phenomenon, Astonishing Thing, Improbability, Cathexis, Wanting, Drive, Wonder, Wonderment, Stunner, Sexual Desire, Rarity, Pleasure, Astonishment, Regard, Libido, Wish Fulfillment, Quite A Thing, Concupiscence, Interestedness, Nosi