Curious Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अजीब
  2. अद्भुत
  3. अनोखा
  4. उत्सुक
  5. चतुराई से बनाई हुई
  6. जानने का अभिलाषी
  7. जिज्ञासु
  8. दर्शनीय
  9. श्रेष्ठ
  10. अपूर्व
  11. दुर्लभ
  12. विचित्र
  13. कुतूहली

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of curious

  1. Barmy, Peculiar, Aberrant, Agape, Inquisitional, Mindful, Interrogational, Bizarre, Fascinated, Strange, Unearthly, Piqued, Pixilated, Intermeddling, Quizzical, Attracted, Attentive, Keen On, Searching, Absurd, Itchy, Quizzing, Loving, Deviant, Kinky, Enthusiastic, Considerate, Gossipy, Querying, Weird, Cathectic, Tickled, Queer, Wondrous Strange, Snooping, Investigative, Outlandish, Catechistic,