Dare Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. चुनौती
  2. आंख दिखाना
  3. धमकाना
  4. पुरूषार्थ रखना
  5. बाहु ठोंकना
  6. ललकारना
  7. सामना करना
  8. साहस करना
  9. हिम्मत करना
  10. ललकार
  11. चुनौती देना
  12. मुकाबला करना
  13. हिसाब बांधना
  14. भय दिलाना
  15. साहस करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of dare

  1. Brave, Take The Liberty, Gage Of Battle, Seek To, Change, Run The Chance, Affront, Chance, Bring Before, Have The Nerve, Dare To, Hold In Contempt, Stare Down, Pretend To, Double Double-encounter, Envisage, Court Destruction, Have The Guts, Move, Take Liberties, Stump, Outoutface, Place Before, Run The Risk, Face With, Meet, Gage, Venture To, Scream Defiance, Make Bold, Try And, Take Chances, Brea