Daredevil Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. दुःसाहसी
  2. निडर
  3. दुस्साहसी

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of daredevil

  1. Adventurous, Brave, Hotspur, Soldier Of Fortune, Fire-eater, Harebrained, Hellcat, Adventuresome, Impulsive, Wild-ass, Wild Man, Bold, Imprudent, Forward, Audacious, Madbrain, Rantipole, Venturous, Wild, Foolhardy, Presumptuous, Harum-scarum, Fire-eating, Venturesome, Temerarious, Madbrained, Adventurer, Swashbuckler, Dashing, Incautious, Intrepid, Hothead, Courageous, Death-defying, Gallant, Dari