Dart Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. झटपट चल पड़ना
  2. झपटना
  3. निकल पड़ना
  4. फेंकना
  5. र्फेकना
  6. वरछा
  7. झपट
  8. बरछा
  9. बल्लम
  10. शर
  11. डार्ट
  12. झपट्टा
  13. दौड़ कर जाना
  14. निकल पडना
  15. मारना
  16. चुन्नट
  17. बरछी
  18. भाला
  19. शल्य
  20. चलाना
  21. छलाँग लगाना
  22. झटपट चल पडना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of dart

  1. Barb, Flash, Chunk, Rush Around, Arrow, Step On It, Float, Bustle, Pelt Along, Haste, Whiz About, Hasten, Lance, Flutter, Movement, Sail, Lunge, Rush About, Move, Mercury, Serve, Wind, Fork, Chested Arrow, Belt Along, Career, Fuss, Scared Rabbit, Blue Darter, Sling, Buzz About, Hump It, Shoot, Motility, Toss, Streak Of Lightning, Travel Rapidly, Tear Around, Bucket Along, Flit, Put, Chuck, Launch,