Defeat Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. पराजय
  2. विफल हो जाना
  3. असफलता
  4. विफल होना
  5. हार
  6. नाश करना
  7. परास्त करना
  8. रोकना
  9. विफल कर देना
  10. हराना
  11. पराजित करना
  12. भगाना
  13. व्यर्थ या विफल कर देना
  14. समझना कठीन होना
  15. विफलता
  16. असफल करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of defeat

  1. Brave, Vanquishment, Cleanup, Triumph, Lick, Overturn, Hide, Do In, Nonplus, Comedown, Cook, Miscarriage, Outsail, Tantalize, Conquer, Answer, Undermine, Overwhelm, Downcast, Floor, Foil, Bankruptcy, Ill Success, No Go, Parry, Unsuccessfulness, Overpower, Subdue, Tantalization, Checkmate, Hope Deferred, Nonsuccess, Balking, Best, Trouncing, Outmaneuver, Repress, Confound, Beat, Cast Down, Reverse,