Devote Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अर्पण करना
  2. ठहराना
  3. दे देना
  4. भेंट करना
  5. लगाना
  6. सौंपना
  7. भक्त
  8. अवपतुकिना
  9. कें दद्रत किना
  10. कें दद्रत होना
  11. समवपतु किना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of devote

  1. Confide, Spend The Time, Pass The Time, Apply, Assign, Consecrate To, Sanctify, Bend, Busy, Foredoom, Doom, Fate, Use Up, Destinate, Commit, Canonize, Exalt, Wile, Attend To Business, Buckle Down, Turn, Think, Appropriate, Utilise, Give Up, Mark, Put Away, Present, Give Over To, Hallow, Struggle, Bless, Pledge, Reserve, Set Aside, Enshrine, Utilize, Try, Destine, Attempt, Give, Appoint, Expend, Mi