Diligent Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अनवरत
  2. सतत
  3. कर्मिष्ठ
  4. मेहनती
  5. उद्यमी
  6. उद्योगी
  7. एकाग्रचित्त
  8. परिश्रमी
  9. सावधान
  10. अध्यिसायी
  11. कमठ
  12. पररश्रमी
  13. मेहनत़ी

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of diligent

  1. Indomitable, Sedulous, Mandarin, Mindful, On The Job, Nice, Weariless, Energetic, Tireless, Ardent, Painstaking, Unrelenting, Academic, Conscientious, Laborious, Unrelaxing, Fervent, Relentless, Watchful, Tenacious, Sleepless, Advertent, Unnodding, All Eyes, Patient As Job, Attentive, Hardworking, Obstinate, Alert, Concentrated, Unwearying, Hard-working, Finicking, Never Idle, Unswerving, Meticulo