Distribute Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. बांटना
  2. वितरित करना
  3. बाँटना
  4. वितरण
  5. फैलना
  6. वितरण करना
  7. विभाग करना
  8. विभाजित करना
  9. बॉटना
  10. फैलना
  11. बााँर्ना
  12. वितरर् करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of distribute

  1. Assign, Dispense, Strew, Diffuse, Hand Over, Disperse, Classify, Convey, Parcel, Administer, Deliver, Forward, Splay, File, Compose, Shell Out, Place, Dole Out, Bare, Move, Apportion, Transfer, Sow, Circularize, Overscatter, Spread Out, Resign, Pass Over, Sow Broadcast, Displace, Present, Circularise, Lot, Come Across With, Air, Diffract, Retail, Array, Gift, Mete, Sort, Range, Give, Overspread, L