Donate Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. दान देना
  2. दान करना
  3. प्रदान करना
  4. दान करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of donate

  1. Replenish, Dispense, Store, Provide, Give Freely, Grant, Yield, Mete Out, Maintain, Award, Confer, Heap, Furnish, Recruit, Give Out, Stock, Deal Out, Subsidize, Deal, Administer, Communicate, Snow, Pour, Help To, Shell Out, Fund, Vouchsafe, Dole Out, Devote, Serve, Sweeten The Kitty, Support, Prepare, Provide For, Render, Present, Will, Pledge, Shower, Mete, Gift, Allow, Give, Issue, Proffer, Allo