Dung Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. लीद
  2. पशु―विष्ठा
  3. खाद
  4. गोबर
  5. शमल

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of dung

  1. Manure, Cow, Cow Pats, Enrichener, Cow Flops, Fertilizer, Fertilise, Ordure, Bm, Movement, Dejection, Bowel Movement, Dressing, Sewage, Coprolith, Ammonia, Ca-ca, Compost, Fecal Matter, Cow Chips, Turd, Feces, Jakes, Muck, Coprolite, Castor-bean Meal, Make, Shit, Take A Shit, Guano, Nitrogen, Night Soil, Droppings, Take A Crap, Feed, Fertilize, Defecate, Defecation, Commercial Fertilizer, Crap, Di