Dwell Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. ध्यान लगाये रखना
  2. बस जाना
  3. बसना
  4. विचार करना
  5. निवास करना
  6. पर देर तक बोलना
  7. रहना
  8. वास करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of dwell

  1. Berth, Squat, Last, Belong, Perdure, Shack, Cohabit, Maintain, Persist, Last Long, Defeat Time, Live Through, People, Subsist, Retell, Hold On, Tenant, Sustain, Populate, Care, Carry On, Live, Be, Reiterate, Consist, Hold, Stress, Perennate, Bunk, Defy Time, Go On, Run On, Stay On, Last Out, Bide, Endure, Hang Out, Focus On, Rest, Continue To Be, Room, Live On, Harp, Roost, Doss Down, Inhabit, Rep