Earn Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अर्जन करना
  2. उपार्जन करना
  3. कमाना
  4. पैदा करना
  5. पाना
  6. हासिल करना
  7. उपार्जित करना
  8. के योग्य होना
  9. प्राप्त करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of earn

  1. Warrant, Be Deserving, Realize, Garner, Procure, Come By, Come In For, Score, Drag Down, Knock Down, Pull In, Draw, Capture, Derive, Pull Down, Be Remunerated, Attain, Be Worthy Of, Get, Corral, Contract, Work For Wages, Bag, Draw Wages, Obtain, Pocket, Bring In, Make, Collect, Be Salaried, Deserve, Be Seized Of, Come Into, Gross, Be Entitled To, Secure, Catch, Net, Sack, Clear, Rate, Take In, Rec