Ecstatic Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अति आनंदित
  2. उल्लसित
  3. उल्लासित
  4. मग्न करने वाला
  5. समाधिमग्न
  6. हर्षातिरेकी
  7. चित्ताकर्षक
  8. भावविभोर
  9. हर्षोन्मत्त
  10. भावातिकी
  11. हर्षोन्मादक

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of ecstatic

  1. Uncontrollable, Orgasmic, Thrilled, Exhilarated, Enraptured, Musing, Exultant, Rapturous, Wild-eyed, Somewhere Else, Feral, Elsewhere, Oblivious, In Paradise, In Seventh Heaven, Pensive, Madding, Frantic, Wild, Glad, Flushed, Blissful, Hysterical, Gleeful, Half-awake, Rabid, Ravished, Exalted, Demoniac, Transported, Abandoned, Dreaming, Wild-looking, Bemused, In A Reverie, Rapt, Freaked Out, Jubil