English to Hindi Dictionary
English to Hindi online bi-lingual dictionary (shabdkosh) with thesaurus, large number of English and Hindi words.
We do our best to include new words every day. Our editors are always on the lookout for new terms: languages thrive with newly created words.
We are constantly improving the quality of our dictionary. With the meaning of words, dictionary also have the Thesaurus, synonyms (similar words), antonyms (opposite words), Transitive verb, Hyponyms andIntransitive verb.
This dictionary contains exhaustive examples and usage of all important English words in sentences.
- Modernization
- Basophilic cell
- Homicide in self-defence
- Nursry rhyme (nursery rime)
- Complete canopy
- Mastigobranchia
- Procedural safeguards
- Mope
- Hand viewer
- Agrestic
- Colourist
- Branchiopneustic
- Phosphatic deposit
- Unzoned
- Mba
- Religious usage
- National character
- Far fetched
- Slur
- Rotation
- Regardless
- Switching network
- Reduzate
- Irish linen
- Table
- Linguiformis
- Rawness
- Tendril
- Retractile
- Noumenal world
- Basic compilation
- Jet engine combustion
- Perpetual motion
- Timber
- Isobaric surface
- Delegator
- Age difference
- Show of criminal force
- Fetor
- General services
- Cankerous
- Enquiry
- Dolocastic chert
- Venice
- Wring
- Paddle
- Vainglorious
- Marsupial
- Uncounted
- Pixilated
- Degaussing
- Quarantine
- Diaper
- To start with
- Cut across
- Self-acquired
- Encroachment of sea
- Cross breeding
- Tabulator
- Chondrosteus
- Disjoint reference
- Trial de novo
- Closed relative to
- Fluster
- Discriminanda
- Stake
- Rudeness
- It may further be added
- Discretinary tax
- Attached x chromosome
- Neighbourly
- Fertilizer corporation of india
- Baire measurable
- Dispraise
- Brothel
- Osmotic force
- Satisfy
- Opalescence
- Pig eyed
- Nilla
- Wineberry
- Histry
- Encourgement
- Teratomorphic
- Cosmogony
- Tenure
- Rising
- Air-mail postage paid card
- Ontologist
- Recoil
- Parcel date seal
- Examplary
- Infatuated
- Complex weave
- Recycle
- To fatten
- Condense
- Between devil and seep sea
- Emporium
- Whim