Essential Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अत्यावश्यक
  2. महत्त
  3. सारभूत
  4. अनिवार्य
  5. आवश्यक
  6. प्रधान
  7. परमावश्यक
  8. मूलभूत
  9. महत्वपूर्ण
  10. सारवत्त
  11. अत्यावश्यक वस्तुएं
  12. आधारभूत तथ्य

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of essential

  1. Congenital, Need, Rudiment, Uncluttered, Hypostasis, Imperative, Principal, The Details, In Essence, Inner Essence, Crucial#, Bare, Substantial, Quintradical, Homogeneous, Cardinal, Soul, The Whole Story, Indicated, Pure, Prerequisite, The Point, Unexpendable, Leading, Important (vs Unimportant), Essential Matter, Simple, Prerequirement, Pivot, Substance, Call For, Main Point, Essential Facts, Nee