Excite Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. उकसाना
  2. ऊर्जित करना
  3. भड़काना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of excite

  1. Put Up To, Animate, Wind Up, Fret, Heat Up, Swirl, Shake, Concern, Wake Up, Madden, Blow Up, Activate, Set Astir, Rouse, Stir The Embers, Hop Up, Disarrange, Interest, Initiate, Whip, Move, Blow The Coals, Awaken, Tantalize, Attract, Beat Up, Prime, Touch, Urge, Start, Flurry, Invigorate, Foment, Summon Up, Key Up, Make Sensitive, Disconcert, Rumple, Raise, Overpaddle, Fan The Flame, Get Going, Ga