Expedient Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. आवश्यक
  2. इष्टानुकूल
  3. उचित
  4. व्यावहारिक
  5. अभ्युपाय
  6. उत्पन्न
  7. उपाय
  8. युक्ति
  9. समीचीन
  10. योग्य
  11. इष्टकर
  12. सामयिक
  13. साधन
  14. सहारा
  15. लाभकर
  16. लाभप्रद
  17. व्यावहारिक

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of expedient

  1. Tactical Maneuvers, Useful#, Politic (vs Impolitic), Nice, Advisable, Becoming, Scheme, Trick, Right, Favorable, Of Service, Feasible, Answer, Meet, Pragmatic, Devices, Gambit, Maneuvers, Decent, Machinery, Expediency, Artifice, Trickery, Intermediation, Sortable, Ploy, Working Proposition, Excellent, Apropos, Plot, Temporary Timely, Serviceable, Going Between, Happy, Employable, Advantageous, Red