Fatal Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. प्राणान्तक
  2. भाग्य संबंधी
  3. अनिवार्य
  4. भावी
  5. सांघातिक
  6. घातक
  7. जानलेवा
  8. जीवघातक
  9. प्राणहारी

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of fatal

  1. Sinister, Pestilent, Solemn, Ruinous, Mortal, Foreordained, Inevitable, Wreckful, Sober, Sad, Consumptive, Imposing, Out Of Luck, Nihilist, In Store, Ultimate, Risky, Contingent, Chance, To-be, Luckless, Feral, Consuming, Unfortunate, Weighty, Indeterminate, Funest, Toxic, Predetermined, Deadliness, Serious, Black, Aleatory, Predestined, Badly Off, Brutal, Final, Destinal, Essential, Causeless, Wa