Flatter Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. चापलूसी करना
  2. फुसलाना
  3. मिथ्या प्रशंसा करना
  4. झूठी तारीफ
  5. खुशामद करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of flatter

  1. Tasteless (vs Tasteful), Cajole, Magnify, Court, Oil The Tongue, Flat (vs Natural) (vs Sharp), Fixed, Blow Up, Vapid, Wheedle, Conceit, Flannel, Exalt, Regressive (vs Progressive), Planar (vs Cubic) (vs Linear), Underdeveloped, Fawn Upon, Idolize, Flavorless, Porter Aux Nues, Overpraise, Even (vs Uneven), Dull (vs Bright), Noneffervescent (vs Effervescent), Kowtow, Unqualified (vs Qualified), Cree