Forbid Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. निषेध करना
  2. रोकना
  3. वर्जना
  4. वर्जित करना
  5. निषेध
  6. मना करना
  7. वर्णित करना
  8. ननषेध करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of forbid

  1. Turn Aside, Ward Off, Save, Preclude, Keep Off, Curb, Keep From, Deflect, Fend Off, Enjoin, Obstruct, Stave Off, Disallow, Help, Anticipate, Inhibit, Exclude From, Taboo, Ban, Rule Out, Veto, Prevent, Discourage, Refuse, Forestall, Repel, Require, Debar, Bar, Interdict, Stop, Shut Out, Reject, Fend, Block, Restrain, Embargo, Proscribe, Compel, Prohibit, Foreclose, Estop, Deny, Dishearten, Command,