Forget Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. चित्त से उतारना
  2. बिसूरना
  3. भुला देना
  4. भूला देना
  5. याद न रखना
  6. सोचना बन्द कर देना
  7. दिमाग से गायब होना
  8. ध्यान से निकाल देना
  9. भूल जाना
  10. भूलना
  11. विस्मरण करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of forget

  1. Drop, Draw A Blank, Leave Out, Forgive And Ignore, Blow Up, Write Off, Slight, Fail, Let It Pass, Let Slip, Lay Aside, Drop The Subject, Forget About It, Thrust Aside, Bury, Turn Away From, Blink At, Think Nothing Of, Discount, Pretermit, Push Aside, Fluff, Set Aside, Abandon, Charge To Experience, Blank Out, Overpass, Neglect, Block, Forget It, Lose Sight Of, Not Remember, Overlook, Leave, Consig