Forgive Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. क्षमा करना
  2. छोड देना
  3. मुक्ति देना
  4. माफ किना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of forgive

  1. Waive, Exempt From, Grant, Relax, Yield, Remit, Destigmatize, Excuse, Nonpros, Cancel, Vindicate, Exonerate, Free, Have Pity, Grant Immunity, Forbear, Nullify, Discharge, Purge, Acquit, Spare, Indulge, Pass Over, Relieve, Grant Remission, Take Pity On, Give Absolution, Let Go, Absolve, Whitewash, Thaw, Release, Abolish, Set Free, Pardon, Grant Amnesty To, Allow, Obliterate, Shrive, Erase, Amnesty,