Fracas Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. दंगा फसाद

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of fracas

  1. Ruckus, Pandemonium, Fight, Vendetta, Hubbub, Logomachy, Tussle, Bother, Chirm, Tiff, Free-for-all, Thunder, Snarl, Disturbance, Pother, Bobbery, Brawl, Pell-mell, Knock-down-and-drag-out, Fuss, Scrap, Row, Dustup, Hassle, Run-in, Rampage, Turmoil, Roar, Bickering, Rhubarb, Noise And Shouting, Riot, Helter-skelter, Trouble, Shindy, Words, Scuffle, Tumult, Broil, Charivari, Wrangle, Barney, Racket,