Freeze Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. ठण्डा हो जाना
  2. ठिठुर जाना
  3. ठिठुरा देना
  4. स्थिर रखना
  5. कीलन वीलित करना
  6. बर्फ बनना
  7. इस्तेमाल बंद करना
  8. जडी़करण करना
  9. जम जाना
  10. जमना
  11. जमा देना
  12. सख्त हो जाना
  13. अकड़ना
  14. िोक

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of freeze

  1. Temperature Reduction, Not Breathe, Quick-quiver, Remain Motionless, Monumentalize, Cold Snap, Blunt, Scare To Death, Be Cold, Chatter, Grow Pale, Horrify, Stand Still, Turn, Glaciate, Kayo, Keep Quiet, Smoke, Preservatize, Bite, Take Fright, Anesthetize, Retain, Force Out, Knock Senseless, Behave, Steady, Transfix, Ostracize, Solidify, Change Color, Cold Weather, Desiccate, Checkmate, Zero Weathe