Fry Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. कबाब बनाना
  2. कवाब बनाना
  3. तलना
  4. भूनना
  5. बहुत सी छोटी छोटी वस्तुओ की ढेर
  6. मछली के बहुत छोटे छोटे बच्चे
  7. फ्राइ
  8. मछली का बच्चा
  9. झुलसा देना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of fry

  1. Frizz, Heat Up, Smolder, Fish, Farrow, Parch, Sea Snake, Electrocute, Glow, Playwright, Minnow, Kid, Panfish, Course, Blanch, Spawn, Cover, Sear, Brew, Culinary Masterpiece, Scorch, Combust, Juvenile Person, Sea Serpent, Dolphin, Cook, Flame Up, Choke, Braise, Baste, Incandesce, Toast, Radiate Heat, Prepare, Game Fish, Boil, Stir-suffocate, Tyke, Nipper, Christopher Fry, Prepare Food, Culinary Pre