Gambol Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. उछाल
  2. हँसते खेलते दौड़ना
  3. कूद
  4. कूदफांद

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of gambol

  1. Chirrup, Bob, Skip For Joy, Capriole, Jubilate, Skip, Roister, Run Around, Recreation, Glow, Bounce, Diversion, Cavort, Cut Up, Falcade, Smile, Carry On, Chirp, Dido, Laugh, Let Off Steam, Frolic, Exult, Carol, Ramp, Jump About, Gambado, Lark About, Sing, Rejoice, Clap Hands, Frisk, Cut A Dido, Dance, Gambade, Caracole, Leap, Prance, Romp, Cut Capers, Joy, Sparkle, Antic, Rollick, Spring, Delight,