Gigantic Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. विशाल
  2. विशालकाय
  3. स्थूलकाय
  4. दैत्याकार
  5. अतिकाय
  6. देवों के योग्य
  7. दीर्घाकार
  8. बहुत बड़ा
  9. भारी
  10. भीमकाय
  11. दीर्धाकार
  12. बहुत बडा
  13. भारी भरकम
  14. महाकाय
  15. बहुत बड़ा

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of gigantic

  1. Strapping, Inordinate, Overlarge, Hulking, Excessive, Jumbo, Abysmal, Outsize, Weighty, Lanky, Awesome, Big (vs Little), Monstrous, Too Much, Elephantine, Overmuch, Stupendous, Undue, Monster, Unrestrained, Prodigious, Sizable, Rangy, Huge, Giantlike, Incontinent, Cyclopean, Big, Gargantuan, Immense, Abandoned, Astronomical, Colossal, Out Of Sight, Overbig, Extensive, Epic, Herculean, Gluttonous,