Glad Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. इच्छुक
  2. खुश
  3. सुहावना
  4. आनंदित
  5. प्रसन्न
  6. मुक्त
  7. मग्न
  8. मनोहर
  9. हर्षित
  10. आनन्दित
  11. प्रसन्न करना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of glad

  1. Blessed, Cozy, Satisfied, Bright, Thrilled, Exhilarated, Jovial, Ready, Encouraging, Beatific, In High Spirits, Well-disposed, Pleasant, Mirthful, Cheerful, Enlivening, Eupeptic, Rosy, Cheerful (vs Cheerless), In Good Spirits, Singing, Jocund, Flushed, Blissful, Gleeful, Ready And Willing, Exalted, Content, Inclined, Gay, In Clover, Leaping, Grateful (vs Ungrateful), Charmed, Jolly, Tickled, Blith