Gloomy Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. अँधेरा
  2. अंधेरा
  3. उदास
  4. दुखी
  5. धुंधला

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of gloomy

  1. Stormy, Sinister, Lenticularis, Bodeful, Solemn, Cumulous, Sad, Boding, Threatening, Depressing, Despondent, Cheerless, Cloud-flecked, Low-spirited, Hopeless (vs Hopeful), Dispiriting, Unfortunate, Shaded, Bleak, Sorrowful, Overclouded, Cirrose, Black, Uncheerful, Nebulous, Cynical, Of Evil Portent, Mammatus, Squally, Funebrial, Overcast, Bad, Caliginous, Downcast, Cassandran, Oppressive, Crabbed,