Glutton Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. खाउ
  2. पेटू
  3. खाऊ
  4. भुक्खड

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of glutton

  1. Hedgehog, Monk, Greedyguts, Belly-god, Bon Vivant, Gorger, Consumer, Pantophagist, Chimp, Gourmand, Phytophage, Diner, Wolverine, High Liver, Board-and-roomer, Picnicker, Granivore, Luncher, Gourmet, Feeder, Quill Pig, Cannibal, Cavy, Coon, Omnivore, Mouth, Cormorant, Trencherwoman, Mousehound, Man-eater, Gourmandizer, Raccoon, Guttler, Weasel, Prairie Dog, Hungry Mouth, Hog, Porcupine, Lucullus,