Hear Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. (मुकद्दमा इत्यादि) अनुसन्धान करना
  2. गुप्त संदेश पाना
  3. विचार करना
  4. श्रवण करना
  5. वाह वाह
  6. कान लगाना
  7. चर्चा सुनना
  8. ध्यान देना
  9. ध्यान से सुनना
  10. सुनवाई करना
  11. सुनाई देना
  12. मांग स्वीकर करना
  13. सुनना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of hear

  1. Examine, Understand, Determine, Find Out, Entertain, Pick Up, Approve Of, Sit In Judgment, Be Informed, Center, Umpire, Unearth, Respond, Be Told, Focus, Heed, Take Heed, Conduct A Trial, Give Ear, Hear Tell Of, Get Word, Sit In On, Get An Earful, Overpay Attention To, Give Attention, Touch, Examine By Ear, Be Conscious Of, Referee, Respond To Stimuli, Tap, Try, Smell, Officiate, Hark, Intercept,