Heaven Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. स्वर्ग
  2. सुरलोक
  3. जन्नत
  4. स्वर्गलोक
  5. वायुमंडल
  6. परलोक
  7. दिव्य
  8. आकाश
  9. गगन
  10. परमेश्वर
  11. भगवान
  12. वैकुंठ

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of heaven

  1. Fairyland, Beatification, Laputa, Wonderland, Blissfulness, Next World, Cope, The Good Hereafter, Dystopia, Lord, Felicity, Intoxication, Tip-top, Stratosphere, Sunshine, Brow, Elation, Good Times, Canaan, Cloud Nine, Age Of Aquarius, Uprise, Bewitchment, No Place Higher, The Almighty, Lord Of Lords, Zion, The Omnipotent, Neverland, The Grave, Highest Pitch, Canopy Of Cap, Future State, Air, Happy