Heft Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. प्रयत्न
  2. औजार की मूठ
  3. भार
  4. महत्व

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of heft

  1. Elevate, Upraise, Have Weight, Beef, Gross Weight, Liveweight, Heist, Lift Up, Upheave, Heftiness, Balance, Rear Up, Weightiness, Weigh Heavy, Sky, Massiveness, Beefiness, Ponderosity, Ponderability, Underweight, Uplift, Upcast, Throw Up, Librate, Neat Weight, Stick Up, Perk Up, Buoy Up, Uphold, Heighten, Heave Up, Be Heavy, Raise Up, Weigh, Knock Up, Upbuoy, Lift, Fatness, Boost, Gravity, Weight,