Hold On Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. रुकना
  2. रूकना
  3. लगे रहना
  4. सँभालना
  5. पकड़े रखना
  6. पकड़े हुए रखना
  7. करते रहना
  8. जिन्दा रहना
  9. दबा कर रखना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of hold on

  1. Stick Around, Perdure, Speculate, Make A Scoop, Maintain, Determine, Turn Upon, Persist, Wait, Last Long, Overstay The Market, Gripe, Coagulate, Sustain, Dillydally, Aim At, Slog On, Point To, Hold Fast, Embrace, Grapple, Grasp, Hang Together, Turn, Fix On, Hold, Perennate, Defy Time, Cling, Go On, Present, Make A Killing, Aim, Bite, Hold Everything, Be Short, Tough It Out, Congeal, Hold Steady, T