Hope Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. आशा करना
  2. आसा करना
  3. उम्मीद होना
  4. आश्वसन
  5. आशा
  6. आसरा
  7. उम्मीद
  8. अरमान
  9. मनोरथ
  10. विश्वास
  11. उम्मीद करना
  12. निर्भर करना
  13. चाहना
  14. भरोसा करना
  15. आकांशा
  16. भरोसा

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of hope

  1. Aspire, Need, Store, Supernatural Virtues, Yearn For, Wait, Chance, Contemplate, Thirst For Knowledge, Anticipate, Daydream, Weary For, Theological Virtues, Be To Be, Comic, Assuredness, Sexual Desire, Soul, Remote Possibility, Libido, Potentiality, Project, Good Chance, Go For, Harbor The Have In Mind, Urge, Prudence, Horme, Contingency, Somebody, Face, Presume, Assurance, Clamor For, Prospect, E