However Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. कम से कम
  2. परन्तु
  3. ऐसा होने पर भी
  4. कितना भी
  5. जो हो
  6. तो भी
  7. फिर भी
  8. हालाँकि
  9. यद्यपि
  10. जैसे भी
  11. तथापि
  12. तब भी
  13. तब भी

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of however

  1. No Matter How, But, Save, In Any Way, Even So, In Any Event, All The Same, At All Events, For All That, Though, Nohow, Just The Same, Anyway, Nevertheless, Although, In Any Case, Irregardless, No Matter What, When, Rather, Per Contra, On, Withal, Regardless, Except, At Any Rate, How, Come What May, Again, Still, Howbeit, Notwithstanding, Nonetheless, Anyhow, Anywise, After All, In What Way, At The