Hungry Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. क्षुधा पीडित
  2. खाऊ
  3. लालची
  4. पीड़ित
  5. क्षुधा पीड़ित
  6. क्षुधा सूचक
  7. क्षुधित
  8. भूखा
  9. लालायित
  10. भूख लगना

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of hungry

  1. Ravening, Empty-bellied, Peckish, Hungering, Thirsty(predicate), Sharp-set, Pinched With Hunger, Coveting, Consumed With Desire, Half-starved, Mad With Lust, Empty, Craving, Famishing, Covetous, Avid, Yearning, Greedy, Eager, Fasting, Half-famished, Starving, Rapacious, Deprived, Fervid, Insatiable, Hungry (vs Thirsty), Desirous (vs Undesirous), Acquisitive, Famished, Dog-dying, Ravenous, Thirstin