Hurt Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples


  1. दुःख देना
  2. दर्द करना
  3. आहत
  4. उपहति
  5. घाव
  6. ठेस पहुँचाना
  7. नुकसान
  8. हानि
  9. चोट पहुँचाना
  10. खिन्न
  11. ज़ख़्मी
  12. चोट
  13. चोट पहुंचाना
  14. तकलीफ़ देना
  15. दर्द पहुँचाना
  16. नुकसान पहुँचाना
  17. हानि पहुंचाना
  18. दुख

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of hurt

  1. Harass, Twitch, Damaged (vs Undamaged), Fret, Aches And Pains, Cripple, Gripe, Knock, Mutilate, Racked, Bark, Scathe, Grimace, Pained, Sorrowful, Concuss, Knock Against, Harmed, Meet, Ail, Exacerbate, Bite, Do Ill, Scrape, Bankruptcy, Slam Into, Smack Into, Raise, Perceive, Mayhem, Make Mincemeat Of, Lacerated, Grind, Crying Evil, Laceration, Weaken, Aggrieved, Cracked, Inroad, Mar, Elicit, Impair